Thursday, March 30, 2017

The case is on

1. Why did the Hound attack Montag? 
    Hound attacked Montag because he knew what he was doing with the books.

2. How did Montag defend himself?
 He defended himself by burning the mechanical dog.

3. What did Montag realize about Beatty?
 He realized that Beatty wanted to die.

.4. Where did Montag go?
 To go help.

5. What happened when Montag crossed the street? 
He almost got ran over by some kids.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

questions part 2

 1. in the scene where Mildred and Montag read books together, what are their separate reactions?  
                          MIldred was scared that someone would burn the books and montag was hoping the books would lead her to a understanding. 

2. What is the effect throughout sections I and II, of the bombers flying over?

The people got scared and worried.

3. Who is Professor Faber?

He was a retired English professor 

4. Montag’s reaction to the commercial on the subway is a turning point in his life. How does he react and why?
He starts to question everything in his life

5. What argument does Faber make for books?

 They have a reflection of real life

6. What is the “small green metal object”?
  it goes on fabers ear so montag can talk to him
7. What does the White Clown show lead you to believe about television programming in this society? 
 It made them believe that they were still little kids 

8. Why does Mrs. Phelps cry when Montag reads “Dover Beach”?
It gets him emotional

 9. What is Montag’s destination at the end of section II? Why?

His destination is his own house

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

fall vocab #6

Meme- a piece of culture spread nonphysically from one to another
Virus- an inflating organism/malware that can wreak havoc
Viral- massive spread of information
Blog- web log/online journal
Wiki- a page of 2 types of hyperlinks
Website- a page accessible through the internet
WWW- world wide web
Internet- An interconnecting network to share information
20- the next best version
Open version- collabration

Monday, October 10, 2016

team vocab

our election this year has been transformed into a venomous joke Trump is Aggravating the country I think trump has anticipated Hilary's loss with his evil words I believe both have lies  dripping from the Republicans Capillary Proboscis, and we the people have been watching and listening to the debate in Melancholy state of mind. This is one election we worry about with both accusing the other with crap nobody cares about our county will dissolve under either leadership and we've  been hypnotized to believe if Hilary dies the election will become suspended.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

vocab #5

venomous- full of malice or spite
stolid- calm dependable and showing little emotion or animation
hypnotized- put into trance
suspended- temporarily prevent from continuing  or being in force or effect
transformed- make a through or dramatic change in form, appearance or character
accuse-claim that (someone) has done something wrong
anticipate- regard a probable; expect or predict
fringe- not part of the mainstream; unconventional, or extreme
melancholy-a feeling of pensive sadness typically with no obvious cause.
earnestly- serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous:(devoted)
dissolve- close down or dismiss(an assembly or official body)
aggravate- make (a problem ,injury, or offense) worse or more serious.
illuminate- light up
capillary- any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venues
proboscis- the nose of a mammal; especially when its long and mobile such as the trunk of an elephant or the snout of a tapir.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Pedestrain First Impressiom

my first impression of this story is that its a little mysterious

vocab list #4

Intermittent-occuring at irregular intervals; not continues or steady
Ebb- movement out to see
Regress-return to a former or less delevoped state
Tendency- an inclination towards a paticular charactheristic
Antiseptic- of relating to or denoting substances that prevent the growthof diseases causing microrganism- a microscopic organism. Bacteruim, viruis, or fungus.